Yarn Along with a Knitter’s Companion

Joining Ginny this morning on a Yarn Along to talk about my two favorite things, knitting and books……..


For those interested in knitting, I have recently purchased a wonderful resource called the Knitter’s Companion by Vicki Square. This handy spiral bound book has been expanded and updated from it’s original best selling version and would be a perfect accessory for your knitting bag. It’s pages feature full color drawings and detailed instructions of the most used techniques along with other information you might need at some point – how to make tassels, Pom-poms, knit with beads, etc.

Just flipping through the pages I learned something new that I might try out on my next pair of socks:

“Most patterns will tell you to ‘pick up and knit’ a specific number of stitches. Read literally, this is somewhat misleading – you should not pick up a stitch and then knit it. You should pick up a stitch as if to knit it and leave it on the needle. When all stitches are on the needle, turn the work, and purl the next row for the neatest transition possible. With right side facing you again, begin the stitch pattern you plan to work for the border or sleeves.”

Actually, maybe that technique won’t work on socks but I bet it would work on a buttonband. What do you think?

This valuable little book is great but what is even better is The Knitter’s Companion DVD! On this two-disc set, Vicki Square demonstrates every single technique featured in the book! It is like having your own teacher sitting right there with you! Love it!


The knitting I am working on today is a pair of fingerless mitts designed by my friend, Jen. Jen and I have many things in common and have been blog buddies for years. We especially share a love of all things Scottish so when I saw her new Tartan and Tweed fingerless mittens I knew I needed to knit up a pair to take with me to the UK.


I am almost certain there will be a rain shower or two and mitts just might be a necessity for a dry climate girl walking around I humidity. I chose colors that match my raincoat. The Tartan and Tweed  pattern is perfect when you just want to daydream but whilst daydreaming have productive hands while you are doing so.  It is also fun to watch the interaction of the three colors magically turning to ‘tweed.’

3 thoughts on “Yarn Along with a Knitter’s Companion

  1. Wow, you’ve made me think hard ~~ I can’t remember if on button bands I picked up then knit… or then purled. It seems I may have done it both ways. I think I might just go fetch myself this book you are recommending. Thank you so much !

    Dear friend Rebecca, thank you most of all for your encouragement with my wee mitts pattern, I am stunned you’ve posted about them… and I’m bathing in excitement as you knit them up… and just chuffed about the promotion you have given them here on your site. Thank you !

    Oh, but your combination of colors are truly artful ! I bet on the ‘tweed-side’ … the inside, you’re seeing just the blue and the russet… mostly, right? Lovely, delicious colorway! You can be sure , there’ll be more Tartan & Tweed things popping up… 🙂

  2. That’s interesting about the pick up of stitches. I must remember to try it the next time. Love the mittens and the colors are gorgeous.

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